In July 2013, the “Antiheptyl” movement was formed. On July 2 of that year, an unsuccessful launch of a Proton-M class rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome took place, and on July 9, an account called “Antiheptyl” appeared on Facebook.
Movement activists said they would study the agreements between Russia and Kazakhstan on Baikonur and propose their own adjustments. Also, the “Antiheptyl” group appealed to the activists of Almaty, Uralsk and other regions of Kazakhstan, urging them to create a joint Coordinating Council for Baikonur with them. At the same time, representatives of the movement were not interested in the opinion of the inhabitants of Baikonur and did not honor the city itself with their visit.
The leaders of the Antiheptyl movement and its creators were five public figures: Makhambet Abzhan, Musagali Duambekov, Askhat Rakhimzhanov, Edil Makenov, Nurlan Zhabaev. Ulan Shamshet also joined them. The activists chose the office of the NGO "Shanyrak" in Astana as their springboard, and the first meetings were held there.
Activists of the “Antiheptyl” movement proclaimed their offspring an environmental organization, setting themselves the following tasks:
- Prohibit launches of rockets with heptyl in Kazakhstan;
- Close foreign military training grounds on the territory of Kazakhstan;
- Prohibit the construction of the Nuclear Fuel Bank;
- Prohibit the construction of nuclear power plants;
- To bring the work on cleaning up harmful emissions from factories to world standards;
- Create an independent public commission under the Ministry of Environmental Protection, which will include representatives of civil society.
On August 19, 2013, “Antiheptyl” activists, for the first time, took part in a protest against the launch of Russian Proton-M rockets from the Baikonur cosmodrome, organized as a flash mob at the entrance to the Russian embassy in Astana.
Another protest action was organized by the “Antiheptilists” on September 30. Having put on yellow overalls, the members of the group went to submit a letter to the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The content of the letter was directed against the launch of Russian Proton-M missiles from the same Baikonur. Also, one of the leaders of the activists assured that 200 signatures of residents of Kazakhstan had been collected against the launch of Russian missiles.
Since the end of December 2013, a split began to occur among the leaders of “Antiheptyl.” On December 26, the leader of the group, Makhambet Abzhan, announced that he was ready to impeach the government and the president. He submitted an application to the Prime Minister's office demanding a ban on the launch of rockets on heptyl fuel, that is, Russian rockets.
Askhat Rakhimzhanov immediately responded to this action, saying that the meeting of the “Antiheptyl” group did not authorize Abzhan Makhambet to do this. Askhat Rakhimzhanov's statement was supported by other members of “Antiheptyl”, in particular Ulan Shamshet. He noted, “why, when other activists come out to the parliament, they are taken away and tried, and Abzhan came out – nothing happened?”
In January 2014, the split went in a different direction. During the pickets near the Kazkosmos building, one of the members of the “Antiheptyl” group raised his hand in the form of a Nazi salute. This fact angered another activist of the movement, Rinat Kibraev, who demanded an explanation from his colleagues.
He called it a manifestation of neo-fascism, to which he received the answer: “Well, then accept that we also have such people.” On Facebook, some members of “Antiheptyl” went even further, saying that all Russians living in Kazakhstan are the ancestors of the occupiers, so it would be better for them to keep quiet.
On February 5, 2014, the Russian Proton-M rocket was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome. On this occasion, “Antiheptyl” staged a series of solo pickets, again with the same demand to ban the launch of Russian missiles. The entire event was held from January 13 to February 5 inclusive.
On one of the days of single pickets, Boltabek Blyalov came out to the Kazkosmos building and challenged Talgat Musabayev, the head of Kazakh cosmonautics, to a fistfight. He also commented on the photo from the last day of single pickets near the Kazkosmos building as follows: “Historians will later say:“ This is how the Kazakh Maidan began!
In an interview, the leader of the movement, Makhambet Abzhan, said that he would gladly take the post of president of Kazakhstan. And Boltabek Blyalov shared, on his Facebook page, his plans for organizing the system of power in the country, writing: “What will happen when we come to power.”
Despite the fact that the “Antiheptyl” movement has ceased to make itself known since 2015, its official Facebook page still exists. Mainly, Ulan Shamshet's publications are reposted on it, who currently manages the resource. He calls it "independent media for independent people" and asks for financial support.